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In preparation for an upcoming workshop in her district in Washington, DC, Amy Wopat asked teachers on the IFLT/NTPRS/CI facebook group to give a quote about what CI means to them. This got me thinking. In my journey to teach using Comprehensible Input (CI)-based methods, what DOES this mean to me? While many think of CI teaching as another name for TPRS, I think of it as much, much more.
So what does CI mean to me?
Using CI as the basis of my courses, even when it isn’t an actual TPRS story, has been life-changing. I connect with my students more, spend less time writing daily plans (although probably equal time assembling “units”), differentiate almost unconsciously, and can go with the flow as my students’ abilities and interests dictate. They have more engagement, so I enjoy myself more. And in the environment of public education these days, that is a big deal.
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